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eCommerce UX

The Pros & Cons of Customizing WooCommerce

The Pros & Cons of Customizing WooCommerce

It’s great that you can make WooCommerce your own. But customization comes with risks, so here are some tips to help you along the way.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating eCommerce Microinteractions

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating eCommerce Microinteractions

A collection of code snippets for adding simple microinteractions to your eCommerce store. Improve the UX of your online store!

8 CSS & JS Snippets for Creating eCommerce Components

8 CSS & JS Snippets for Creating eCommerce Components

These copy & paste CSS & JavaScript UI concepts can be applied to any eCommerce site. Convert window shoppers into fully-fledged customers!

A Focus on the Basics: Must-Have Features for Your eCommerce Website

A Focus on the Basics: Must-Have Features for Your eCommerce Website

We eschew all of the bloated features and turn our attention to the basics of eCommerce web design. Here are a few must-have features for your shopping website.

10 Methods for Optimizing Your Forms for Mobile

10 Methods for Optimizing Your Forms for Mobile

Learn how you can speed up the performance of your customers’ mobile transactions and make their online shopping experience better.

Proven Tactics to Avoiding Shopping Cart Abandonment

Proven Tactics to Avoiding Shopping Cart Abandonment

These simple yet highly effective tactics can help you avoid shopping cart abandonment on your eCommerce store.

How to Help Your Clients Choose the Right eCommerce Payment Gateway

How to Help Your Clients Choose the Right eCommerce Payment Gateway

One of the key decisions when building an eCommerce website is choosing the payment gateway. Pick the wrong one, and it could be disastrous.

6 M-Commerce Design Practices to Help Improve Your Sales in 2019

6 M-Commerce Design Practices to Help Improve Your Sales in 2019

Year by year, the e-Commerce landscape is becoming seismically shifted by mobile devices. Since Amazon has launched its shopping app with a mobile reach of 40 percent in 2017, M-Commerce…

Key UX Considerations for Optimizing eCommerce Product Pages

Key UX Considerations for Optimizing eCommerce Product Pages

Designing eCommerce websites are a whole world onto itself due to how they’re used compared to other sites on the web. First of all, eCommerce is a service that customers…

The eCommerce UX Mistakes That Drive Us Nuts

The eCommerce UX Mistakes That Drive Us Nuts

You’ve spent countless hours tweaking your CSS, testing your responsive breakpoints, and checking site speed. You know the site like the back of your hand. Your eCommerce site is beautifully…

Three Common UI Trends eCommerce Loves But Should Hate

Three Common UI Trends eCommerce Loves But Should Hate