20 Creative Examples of Pricing Page Web Layouts for Inspiration


Pricing tables are a crucial element for any premium web application or service. They showcase the available options and direct potential buyers to a particular choice.

A well-designed pricing table can make a huge difference in your business. It can attract customers, increase conversions, and boost revenue. Therefore, it’s essential to showcase pricing information on your website in an easy-to-read and stylish manner.

To help you create a stunning pricing table for your website, we have compiled an inspiring collection of pricing pages that have been designed beautifully. These pages are not only functional but also visually appealing and user-friendly.

From minimalist designs to more complex ones, there’s something for everyone. Take a look at these inspiring pricing pages and let your imagination run wild!

Big Cartel

Big Cartel’s pricing page has been beautifully designed and highly interactive, featuring a compact yet well-organized table that accommodates a broad range of content.

Big Cartel Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration


Shopify’s pricing page uses subtle and visually pleasing color changes to help users distinguish between different plans. The Business Plan is prominently displayed as ‘Most Popular’ to help users quickly identify it.

Shopify Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration

Pricing Tables UI Kits

A collection of PSD templates for pricing details that are both simple and beautifully designed to encourage users to select their desired package and sign up quickly and easily.

Pricing Tables PSD UI Kits Web Design Inspiration

Crowd Signal

The pricing page of this site adopts a clean and minimalist approach. The design is simple yet effective, with no extravagant tables or excessive graphical elements.

Crowd Signal Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration


Zendesk’s pricing and sign-up page design is truly captivating. The sign-up page features a minimal number of elements that are strategically placed to increase sign-ups and ensure a seamless user experience.

Zendesk Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration


The pricing page design features a fresh and modern table layout that incorporates nice icons, even spacing, and sleek design elements. The header of the pricing page is seamlessly integrated with the rest of the site’s design style, creating a cohesive and on-brand user experience.

Litmus Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration

Detailed Price Table Template

Detailed Price Table Template


This pricing page showcases four different plans, each with their respective prices and features. To emphasize the best value for money, the most popular plan is highlighted to draw attention to its standout features and benefits.

Onehub Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration


LightCMS employs a color-coded pricing system to differentiate between its different packages, creating a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate pricing detail page. The design is simple yet effective, with a focus on grabbing the user’s attention.

LightCMS Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration

Jazz HR

The most important plan is pre-selected and prominently displayed, indicating to users that it offers the best value and features. Additionally, a 14-day free trial is offered to allow users to experience the service before committing to a paid plan.

Jazz HR Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration

Stoksi Pricing Page

Stoksi’s pricing page has been built using a 12-column (1170px) Bootstrap grid, designed specifically to optimize conversions and drive user engagement.

Stoksi Pricing Page Template Web Design Inspiration


Mailchimp’s pricing page stands out from the rest due to its unique vertical orientation. This layout effectively organizes the various pricing details and features, creating a visually engaging and user-friendly experience tailored to the content provided by Mailchimp.

Mailchimp Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration


Squarespace’s pricing table boasts a sleek and stylish design that exudes quality and professionalism, adding to the overall appeal of the app. The pricing page is also well-organized, enabling users to easily navigate and select the plan that best fits their needs.

Squarespace Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration


Harvest’s pricing detail page presents three plans in a simple yet visually appealing table, with a clear call-to-action button to encourage user sign-ups. The page’s unique selling point lies in its simplicity, providing users with a straightforward, easy-to-navigate pricing experience.

Harvest Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration


This pricing table utilizes a unique strategy to create visual interest and encourage users to select a plan that best suits their needs.

Ronin Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration

Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg’s pricing detail page has been designed to create a visually appealing and engaging user experience, resulting in a higher conversion rate for each plan type.

Crazy Egg Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration


This pricing page features three different plans presented in a clean and visually pleasing format. The most important plan, which offers unlimited features, is prominently highlighted to draw users’ attention and encourage them to consider this option.

TypePad Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration


Formstack highlights its most popular plan by using a distinct color and larger box size to make it stand out from the other options, enabling users to easily differentiate and identify the best plan for their needs.

FormStack Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration

Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor’s pricing page includes a free plan option, with clearly labeled buttons encouraging visitors to sign up for the free account.

Campaign Monitor Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration


This pricing detail page exudes a high level of professionalism and visual appeal, providing a clear and comprehensive overview of the packages offered by the company.

Github Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration


Slidedeck Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration

Team Treehouse

Team Treehouse offers multiple plans, each with a detailed list of clearly outlined features to help users make an informed decision. The pricing page also includes prominent call-to-action buttons encouraging users to sign up for the plan that best suits their needs.

Team Treehouse Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration


Disqus provides users with three different plans, each tailored to specific needs and preferences. The pricing for each plan is prominently displayed at the top of the plan details, making it easy for users to compare and choose the option that best suits their budget and requirements.

Disqus Pricing Page Web Design Inspiration

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